hi, im simi!

Grab some tea, because we've got a story to share here.



Picture a young me, standing in my kitchen at 11 pm, heart pounding with excitement.

My dad is there, holding a camcorder and capturing the raw passion I'm pouring into my rehearsal before the school's talent show.

24 hours later, and I'm on a grand stage, facing a packed auditorium filled with parents and children buzzing with excitement.

As I perform, my voice soars and I'm overwhelmed with joy.

5 minutes later, the audience erupts into applause and cheers.

It's in that magical moment, with the spotlight shining down on me, that I realize I'm destined for something extraordinary.




As a young girl, I felt an inexplicable attraction to the camera—a deep desire to capture and bring my ideas to life.

After school, I'd rush home and dive straight into the world of iMovie, losing track of time as I edited something random out of thin air.

Expressing myself through oratory and writing came naturally.

But somewhere along the way, I lost this passion.

The world began whispering that creativity was for the privileged few, nudging me toward safe and conventional paths.

As an Indian daughter, I complied, excelling academically but suffocating creatively.


Because I had been living someone else's script.



When I was in 6th grade, my world took an unexpected turn.

Out of the blue, my body rebelled against every food known to mankind.

I lost 20 pounds in a few months due to severe allergies.

Gluten, dairy, eggs, soy, nuts—my enemies.

As if health issues weren't enough, kids began to bully me, suggesting I looked anorexic and sickening.

Confidence? Gone.

Creativity? Gone. 

Curiosity? Gone. 

Conformity? In. 

That year, my dad handed me the book "Search Inside Yourself" and said, "Give this a read."

Skeptical, I cracked it open.

But something magical happened.

The book was a treasure chest: personal development, emotional intelligence, mindfulness, resilience.

Reading it sparked something within me.

And so began my journey of self-discovery.


At 16, I embarked on a journey of social impact by founding two nonprofit organizations.

The first, "Leadership Bytes," was dedicated to mentoring teenagers and imparting essential skills in leadership, communication, and personal growth.

Concurrently, "Environment for Humanity" was established to advocate for social equity, particularly focusing on ensuring women's access to safe water and sanitation.

It was during this time that I discovered my passion for digital production and public speaking, igniting a deep love for both mediums of expression.

Then came a moment of triumph—I stood before an audience of over 200 water professionals in Miami, delivering a presentation that shattered the limits of my own belief.

On paper, my achievements made me look like a golden child destined for greatness. But deep inside, I felt an indescribable emptiness.

The weight of expectations grew heavier as I found myself surrounded by ambitious students in a top public ivy university. The path ahead was clear: pre-med—the pinnacle of success. But deep down, I felt a dissonance, a misalignment with my true desires.

Then, in an instant, the world changed. The global pandemic shut down my college. As the doors closed and isolation became the norm, my inner world crumbled, and I faced an identity crisis like never before.



I hit a point where the medicine path felt like wearing a jacket two sizes too small.

Pushing through felt like torture.

So, I found solace in Barnes and Noble, burying myself in books that ignited my curiosity.

Then, I hit a rough patch—flunking two prerequisite courses, my A's turning into mediocre C's.

Weirdly, it felt like a weight lifted off my shoulders.

One evening, I braced myself to tell my parents, expecting disappointment.

But surprise—my dad just asked for my plan. Truth? I had no clue.

Scary, yet liberating.

So, I took a leap of faith, diving into entrepreneurship.

Days turned into soaking up wisdom from leaders.

I immersed myself in many industries -  real estate development, tech & AI, hospitality, water sector, marketing/brand strategy, leadership consulting, and beyond, leaving no stone unturned in my quest for real-world experience over traditional education.


The best things in life don't always come from having all the answers, but from daring to ask the right questions.

Over the years, I've shared these questions and my journey in navigating them to create a life of purpose and impact.

Today, I wear many hats – I'm a content creator, consultant, trainer, educator, speaker, and entrepreneur.

But most importantly, I'm here as a friend.

My promise: I'll share with you the principles, tools, ideas, and systems that are currently helping me build a high-performing, happy, healthy, wealthy life.

Join my newsletter below or join me on social media to start your journey towards the 2.0 version of you.